Creating a cozy space for self-care within your home

With everyone spending more time at home these days, evaluating our surroundings is something we are all doing more of.

You may be planning some big projects this year, perhaps a kitchen or bathroom renovation or have been utilizing a spare room for a home office. How about some changes on a smaller scale? It could be as simple as replacing a rug or your bedding to give a new look. One trend that I am excited about is creating some intentional space for self-care.

We all need self-care, and I believe having our own dedicated space within our home is a big part of that. It could be as simple as a corner of your bedroom or a nook in your living area, or an underutilized loft or spare room if those are available within your home. The size doesn’t really matter as long as it has what you need!

What does time for yourself look like?

The first thing to think about is: What will you do in your dedicated space? 

  • Do you love to sit with a good book or stack of magazines, coffee mug (or a glass of wine) within reach? 

  • Is your space there for you to meditate and focus on your yoga practice? 

  • Do you want to spend time on creating art or crafting?

Think through how you want to spend your time to make sure the area you choose works well for those activities and gives you the room you need!

Now, really imagine yourself during those activities:

  • If you were sitting in a chair, how would you like to sit? 

  • Are you curled up with a pillow and wrapped in a blanket? 

  • Do you like to stretch your legs out, maybe balancing your laptop now and then or laying your head back while your favorite face mask does its magic? 

  • Do you need room for a small table or yoga mat?

  • Is just a side table enough space or do you need a larger workspace? 

  • Will you want a basket or other containers to hold books or perhaps knitting or art supplies? 

As I am planning out my own space, I think about alone time spent dreaming of future projects and trips as well as reading. I have a notebook, and my favorite pen and a few markers for jotting down ideas and plans and lists. My latest book I am reading, and my laptop, are close by as well. A favorite coffee mug full of coffee is a must along with a cozy warm blanket in the winter. Our cat Tia curled up in my lap. Comfortable seating that feels like it can swallow me up is at the top of my list. I get a warm, content feeling just thinking about it!

Here are other things to consider when choosing a space:

What time of day are you setting aside for yourself? 

  • As you are evaluating spaces within your home, notice the natural light. Are you able to benefit from the sun coming in at that particular time of day if that is important to you? 

  • Are there any distracting sounds in that area? A ticking clock or sounds of rush hour  traffic coming from outside.

  • Will you be listening to music, a podcast, or sitting in the quiet of the moment? 

Spend a little time in each space you are considering at different times of day and think through how you feel as you imagine spending your self-care time there.

Simple is best!

Plan your nook out as simply and as uncluttered as possible, making sure you only bring in and decorate with things that bring you peace and relaxation. We know that excess stuff and clutter causes stress and I hope this is an area you can retreat to and find calm in your life.

Once you have the location selected, it’s time to start planning out your space! 

  • Do any changes need to be made to the area? 

  • Could the walls use a fresh coat of paint, is the floor ideal for your activity? 

  • Are there any furniture pieces, rugs, textiles, or art that could be brought in from other rooms in your home? Maybe it’s time to pick up a new comfy chair, or buy that piece of art you’ve had your eye on. 

  • What will make you feel comfortable and bring you joy during your dedicated time alone?

Let’s talk about the details

In design I usually start with a rug and then base my color palette, furniture, and other pieces on that theme. However, depending on your area, you may not need a rug. If that is the case, then start with your largest piece of furniture. Most likely a chair or loveseat. If you are buying something new, whether seating or a table, be sure to check the measurements to make sure it will fit in your space. I’d hate for you to fall in love with a piece and have it not fit! 

From there, choose pillows, a blanket, and any other accessories needed to fit the vibe and look you are going for. Do you want neutral or colorful pieces in your space? If you need storage are you drawn to woven baskets or lidded wooden boxes? Stick with a consistent type of container for a cohesive look. Make your list, gather everything together, and start setting up your space. It may take a few tries to find the right order of things to find your happy place! Try it out a few times and move things around until it feels right.

I hope this post has given you some ideas and the inspiration you need to get your own little nook carved out for yourself within your home! 

Please comment below with the space you are dreaming of and what your next steps are. Or, if you’ve created room for yourself I would love to hear about it! 

Feeling stuck on getting started with your self-care space in your home? Click below to book your consultation - I would love to work with you! 


Creating a Welcoming Guest Room | Part 1: Paint Selection